Understanding lung cancer and the ways to manage it

Understanding lung cancer and the ways to manage it

Lung cancer is a disease that doesn’t show any symptoms in the initial stages. Signs like cough with blood, shortness of breath, chest pain, hoarseness, bone pain, and headache start showing over a period of time. One needs to consult a doctor if they have any of these signs persisting for a prolonged period. This article highlights a few treatment options, foods to consume and avoid, and remedies to help manage the health condition.

Treatment options
The course of treatment depends on the advancement of the disease. However, generally, doctors recommend getting rid of the cancer tissue with surgery. And if surgery is not an option, they recommend a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, or either of the one to relieve symptoms of lung cancer. Targeted therapy is also an option to target specific cells of cancer.

There are many FDA-approved treatment options that a doctor may prescribe for their patients, depending on the type of lung cancer.

  • Non-small cell lung cancer
    Metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is an advanced stage of lung cancer that may have a poor outlook at treatment options. But to cope with the painful symptoms, a doctor may prescribe Abraxane, Afatinib Dimaleate, Alectinib, Lumakras, and Opdivo, among others.
  • Small cell lung cancer
    Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) patients may be prescribed Afinitor (everolimus), Etoposide, Nivolumab, Trexall, and Zepzelca, among others. Please note that these treatment options are listed only for informative purposes. Consult a doctor for a detailed diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plans.

Food habits
Nutrition is an important part of any treatment journey. Changes in food habits in combination with treatment options helps manage the disease and its symptoms. Foods that are good for lungs include beet and beet greens, apples, peppers, pumpkin, turmeric, tomato, blueberries, and green tea. Choose a protein-rich palette as protein helps the patient recover from an illness quickly. Along with the above listed foods, one can also include eggs, lean meat, nuts, low-fat dairy, beans, and soy foods.

Practicing meditation, breathing methods and relaxed exercises can help increase lung capacity. These practices can combat the shortness of breath, chest pain and other respiratory symptoms associated with lung cancer.