4 foods that sneakily spike blood sugar
It might not be the end of the world for people to slip up and nibble on a cookie or grab some chips, which are common contents in the pantry. However, patients with blood sugar issues have to be careful, as too many “unhealthy” snacks can lead to grave consequences, primarily when some not-so-good foods are marketed as the healthiest on the shelves. Here are some surprisingly bad foods for diabetes that need to be avoided. Nut butter Peanut, cashew, and almond butter are all considered healthy choices, contributing to some good fats and proteins in the food. They work great as toppings on toast, oatmeal, and shakes. Their high-nutrient profile makes them a safe snacking option for those with various health concerns. However, are they as healthy as they are assumed to be? Consumers need to be careful of the ingredients being included in the packaged food products. Most store-bought nut butters list sugar within the first five ingredients on their list, along with hydrogenated oils. These two ingredients go a long way in bringing down the food’s nutrient profile and can contribute to unsteady spikes in blood sugar levels. Nut butter is therefore listed among the bad foods for diabetes.
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